Charles; Whiskey and Ashes

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Back after a hiatus, episode 4 of the Up Your Nose With A Rubber Hose podcast welcomes our fren, Charles. In this episode we discuss Charles’s history as a founding member of DHS, the philosophy behind his writing, and his efforts to help men. We discuss techniques for tidiness and we also discuss the merits of Dvorak and Colemak keyboard configurations. Due to some technical issues at the beginning of the recording, I bulldoze the conversation and accidentally cut Charles off from explaining the meaning behind the name of his blog 80proofOinomancy. Oinomany is a form of divination through examining patterns in wine. 80 proof is the typical proof of whiskey spirits.

Whiskey and Ashes; An Inebriate’s Avowals, Maxims and Observations

The Holistic Guide to Suicide by Charles Spadille

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